Hilary Jacobs Hendel | The Change Triangle

Monday, January 29th, 2024,
10 AM to 2 PM ET
(works for most time zones)
Facilitate Trauma-Informed Emotions Education 101™
Classes in Your Practice, School, Agency, or Organization
Special Bundled Pricing of $429
includes the 4-hour Workshop & Turnkey Emotions Education 101™ Curriculum
Hello and welcome to Train the Trainer!
Please join me and Heather Sanford, LCSW, AEDP psychotherapist, and co-developer of the Emotions Education 101 curriculum on June 2nd from 10 AM to 2 PM ET.
This live interactive half-day workshop is designed for mental health professionals and educators who want to offer Emotions Education 101 classes at their practice, agency, school, or workplace. The Emotions Education 101 (EE101) class is designed to engage the whole learner - both didactically and experientially. Participants in the Train the Trainer workshop will have the same experience.
Using the Change Triangle® tool for emotional health as a guide, participants will learn to facilitate a group educational experience that not only changes lives but saves lives. Understanding how emotions work in the mind and body to create symptoms like anxiety and depression makes people feel hopeful and empowered to feel better. The Change Triangle is a trauma-informed, mind and body-based tool and map grounded in accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP). Learning the Change Triangle and working it throughout our lives teaches us skills to move from anxious and disconnected states of mind to calm, confident, and compassionate states, where we feel more authentic - a "This is me!" kind of feeling.
Working the Change Triangle over a lifetime prevents, eases, and heals anxiety and depression caused by blocked and buried emotions. The Emotions Education 101 Train the Trainer course will show you how to run these classes, teach these life-changing skills, and provide social-emotional learning at its best. This course offers clients and participants a great alternative or complement to DBT groups by emphasizing both the containment and expression of emotion in safe and gentle ways that turbocharge transformation and positive neuroplasticity.
The Change Triangle guides the work by recognizing defenses, regulating anxiety, guilt, and shame, and processing core emotions in the body to connect more fully with our authentic Self. Participants in the Train the Trainer webinar will have the opportunity to experience what a group feels like as a participant, as led by the workshop facilitators. There are easy-to-understand didactic presentations covering the theory behind the groups and how to facilitate them. Participants will have the opportunity to practice the skills learned in small groups to gain confidence in applying them immediately.
The workshop along with the EE 101 turnkey curriculum provides a step-by-step guide to running these classes. You will be enabled to facilitate the Emotions Education 101 8-week class in your practice, agency, hospital, school, or organization the next day.
Summary of what you will learn in this workshop:
Participants will learn how to create safety in groups.
Participants will learn to embody a stance that facilitates vulnerability and growth in groups.
Participants have the opportunity to experience what a group feels like by taking part in one led by the facilitators.
Participants will practice the skills taught during the workshop.
Participants will gain additional understanding of the Change Triangle.*
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
10:00 am - 10:15 am - Welcome, review of the workshop teaching objectives and overview of the curriculum.
10:15 - 11:15 am - Participants will engage in a sample Emotions Education 101 group. – This will allow participants to demonstrate an ability to understand and apply the EE 101 curriculum for the facilitation of classes. Specifically, you will learn to facilitate:
Weekly "Aha!" Moments and Reflections
Opening Experiential Exercise
Processing of the Experiential Exercise
Presentation of Topic Information with Powerpoint Slides
Practice Exercise with Reflections
Fielding Questions
11:15 - 12:00 pm - Presentation covering creating group safety and stance of the facilitator. Integrate a professional use of self with the EE101 curriculum for the facilitation of classes. Discuss how to create group safety and cohesion.
12:00 - 12:15 pm - Break
12:15 - 1:30 pm - Practice leading a processing discussion after an experiential exercise in small groups. Recognize facilitators’ own internal experience while leading EE101 lessons and exercises. Apply techniques to help people slow down enough to notice their thoughts and emotions.
1:30 - 2:00 pm - Trainees will learn how to assess participant suitability for EE 101 classes. Wrap up, Q & A.
* We expect participants to have already familiarized themselves with the Change Triangle by reading It's Not Always Depression. You can also watch this video to learn how I teach the Change Triangle. You can also use the videos included in the turnkey curriculum to teach the Change Triangle so you don't have to teach, only facilitate discussions.
Assess participants' suitability for the EE 101 class
Apply techniques to help people slow down enough to notice their thoughts and emotions
Create group safety
Create group cohesion
Conduct experiential exercises
Facilitate discussions
Teach the Change Triangle
The Facts:
What: Training Workshop to learn to facilitate Emotions Education 101 Classes with the Turnkey Emotions Education 101 Curriculum included. LIVE & interactive on Zoom (with CEs for those who qulaify)
Who's it for: Professionals who want to offer EE 101 at their practice, agency, and organization.
When: Monday, June 2nd from 10 AM to 2 PM ET on ZOOM. Click here for a time converter to see workshop time in your area.
Why: Because a crucial part of well-being is understanding how emotions work in the mind and body. Burying emotions leads to depression, anxiety, and disconnection from vital and authentic ways of being. Offering this class to the people you serve gives people a lifelong tool to feel better and turbocharges healing work.
Ready to Register for Train the Trainer?
This online LIVE Zoom interactive workshop is on Friday, June 2nd from 10 AM to 2 PM ET.
Contact Heather Sanford at sanford.he@gmail.com if you have any questions. Space is limited - sign up today!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Full refunds (minus processing fees) are given up to two weeks before the start of the class. You will receive access to the curriculum within a week after registering. We don't offer refunds on the curriculum under any circumstances after you receive the curriculum Dropbox link. To order the EE 101 Turnkey curriculum alone without the workshop, click here.
For June 2nd - BUY NOW: Pricing includes workshop and the Emotions Education 101 Turnkey curriculum (CE credits cost extra - purchase below)
By paying you are accepting a contract that has the following agreements:
The EE 101 turnkey curriculum is our intellectual property. It is copyright protected.
I understand there are no refunds on the curriculum due to the nature of this product.
You cannot share this with other people and you definitely can not resell it.
If you want to share it, email sanford.he@gmail.com or hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com for group pricing.
For all 2022 and 2023 workshops, click here.
Note to Attendees: You are responsible for making sure Cassidy CEs are accepted by your state board.
Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW, is the author of the award-winning book, It’s Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self (Random House & Penguin UK) based on her work as an AEDP therapist. She received her BA in biochemistry from Wesleyan University and an MSW from Fordham University. She is a certified psychoanalyst and AEDP psychotherapist and supervisor. She has published articles in The New York Times, Time, Oprah, and other major media outlets. Her blog "the Change Triangle" is read worldwide. Hilary is the co-developer of the Emotions Education 101 Curriculum and Turnkey Program.
Heather Sanford, LCSW, MPA, is the co-developer of the Emotions Education 101 curriculum. Heather received her MPA and MSW degrees from Cornell and Binghamton Universities. She has taught Emotions Education 101 in community mental health agencies as well as in private practice. She is a licensed AEDP psychotherapist. She specializes in group work and individual sessions with LGBTQ + teens.
Want to experience the Emotions Education 101 Class?
Click here to register for the class starting
April 3rd through May 22nd, 2023
The class meets 8 consecutive Mondays from 5:30 pm - 7 pm ET
For questions or concerns, contact Heather Sanford, LCSW at sanford.he@gmail.com
Thanks for a really great session today. I wanted to share with you that a new student stopped by my office this afternoon. She said she had been experiencing some anxiety recently. Her boyfriend passed away 4 years ago. She started to tear up and was trying to stuff those feelings back in (to make me more comfortable I imagine). But I closed my door and invited her to let her sadness come. And encouraged her that if there was more, I would sit there with her while her tears flowed. After about 90 seconds or so she cleared her wave of sadness and said she felt much better. We talked a bit about anxiety and I shared the change model with her.
I felt so much gratitude for having attended the training today and being able to immediately support someone with the knowledge I gained. So, again, thank you both for the work you’re doing and for leading us in a really helpful training today! - Erin Charlens, Ed.D.
The course felt so safe and welcoming in how you both facilitated it and was such valuable learning to experience this acceptance and validation from you both. Thank you both so much for such an informative and uplifting course. I came away thinking, with some fear and excitement, “maybe I can actually do this!” - AF
Hilary and Heather are excellent trainers, personally engaged, make the material accessible and easy to understand and provided all I needed to feel confident in leading this much needed course. DB
Heather and Hilary provide a comprehensive and ready-to-facilitate emotion educations 101 curriculum that is aligned with emotion theory, especially AEDP. The Train-the-Trainer workshop was an easy-to-access training that provided the need-to-knows of the curriculum. Everything is clear. There are no major questions left unanswered after the training. -RM
Emotions Education 101 helped me prioritize making time and space to listen to my feelings. It also supported me in doing so. It was helpful to have a group experience to hear how other people experience their emotions. I will be recommending this course to my clients.The Train the Trainer course for EE101 was great! I look forward to using the materials and eventually teaching EE101 myself someday. —BJS
“I’m so happy to have the opportunity to get this powerful information out into the world and have the support and backing of these two women! Thanks for the great workshop.” -Amity Kramer
After all of these years of trying to create peace on the outside, this course turned my attention inside. While we all have a lot to be concerned about right now, how we show up for ourselves is really the only this we can control. The Emotions Education 101 course slowed me down enough to note and notice how I was "reacting" to life. And I didn't like it. Now, I have choices. Knowing that my emotions just are a natural part of being human, I simply feel them. Then, I can use the "Change Triangle" to make a conscious choice of how I want to "respond" to life. Wow! What a difference it is to be able to show up for my family and friends from a more openhearted space. - K.C
H & H have designed an excellent emotions education course and have made it simple to follow for new facilitators by providing a wealth of knowledge and resources.
-Anonymous Train the Trainer Participant
This course is essential for any mental health professionals working to help your patients grow in their ability to heal and navigate their emotions. Hilary and Heather do a wonderful job of making affective neuroscience so accessible and tangible
-Anonymous Train the Trainer Participant
“Thank you for such a wonderful and meaningful experience. This class was truly one of the best things I have done in my training to be a therapist (and probably to be a person in the world too!). I love how simple yet profound the lessons are and have been trying to incorporate them into my work and life. You both and the other trainers brought a lovely grounded warmth and professionalism to the experience. I will certainly recommend it to others (and do further training in AEDP!).”
-Linda Siegel, Class Participant
"After 20 years of on and off therapy, and a lot of bibliotherapy in the last year and a half (I've read about 50 books on this subject since the beginning of 2020), I have to say that that this course (and Hilary's book) were what helped me the most. The Change Triangle is a compassionate map that helps you identify where you are in the present moment and helps you predict how you might feel as you start to heal, so that nothing is shocking or surprising and you feel a sense of pride and ownership throughout the process. By meeting weekly to learn more about how this all works, and to practice feeling emotions in the presence of others in the group, I have seen a significant improvement in my ability to trust others as well as myself. I wish I had been introduced to this empowering content earlier in my life, so I am doing my best to educate parents and teachers about your work so that they can hopefully pass on the benefit to their children."
-Anne Kubitsky, Class Participant
“This course has been an amazing experience. I think you should do a lot more of these for people. Thank you for offering it!” -Anonymous Class Participant
"I'm very much enjoying and getting a lot from this course ladies, thank you. The container you have created offers an open and sharing space for folks to come together with intention to better understand, and be with, ourselves; complex emotions and all that comes with having a beating heart. I've loved the psycho-education and the need to 'not fix' rather 'be with' myself... and what's happening inside. Participants' willingness to be vulnerable, and to share openly, has been so helpful in acknowledging 'me too', and feeling understood. Beyond class, I'm slowly showing up for myself in deeper awareness, more subtle and gentle ways too. I feel that I'm cultivating a more intimate level of 'emotional awareness' within, the good and the not-so-good, and am finding I'm less judgemental of myself in it all. A lifetimes' work. Thank You for creating and -so helpfully- facilitating this active learning group."
-Fiona, (Dublin Ireland)
“Great amount of homework, class is well run, good participation, could use more time for reflections”
- Anonymous Class Participant
“I’m loving the course and learning so much.” -Anonymous Class Participant
“I wanted to take the course because I want to be my authentic self. At the beginning, I didn't think it would be possible because I didn't understand how one knows when they are being authentic. I think I understand now. I don't know if it can happen for me but you have given me the tools to know how. It's up to me to do it.”
-Anonymous Class Participant
“This course has been an amazing experience. I think you should do a lot more of these for people. Thank you for offering it!”
-Anonymous Class Participant
“Going well. glad to be here”
-Anonymous Class Participant
“Very very good”
-Anonymous Class Participant
“Great class.”
- Anonymous Class Participant